当前位置:太阳成tyc7111cc-澳门太阳成tyc122cc > 关于冠准 > 公正性声明


编辑: 日期:2022-09-01 09:58:18



declaration of impartiality


深圳市冠准科技有限公司是具有独立法人地位的专业检测机构。为保证本公司检测工作质量和服务水平,为社会提供优质高效的检测服务,特作以下声明: shenzhen accurate technology co., ltd. is an independent legal person status of professional testing institutions. in order to ensure the quality of our testing work and service level, and to provide high quality and efficient testing services to the society, we hereby make the following declarations:

1. 公司管理层承诺不对检测工作进行不恰当干预,确保检测工作的公正性和独立性; the management of the company promises not to interfere improperly with the testing work to ensure the impartiality and independence of the testing work;

2. 检测人员必须秉公检测,以数据说话,不受任何行政的经济的和其他方面的压力影响,坚决抵制妨碍检测工作公正性的行为; testing personnel must be impartial testing, based on data, not affected by any administrative, economic and other pressure, and resolutely resist any behavior that hinders the fairness of testing work;

3. 本公司对所有委托方均持科学、公正的态度,独立开展检测工作; the company holds a scientific and fair attitude to all the entrusting parties, and independently carries out testing work

4. 本公司保证对委托方技术资料、图纸和数据严格保密,切实保护客户机密信息和所有权; the company guarantees to keep the client's technical information, drawings and data strictly confidential and protect the client's confidential information and ownership

5. 检测人员不得从事或参与有碍检测公正性的任何兼职和技术咨询活动; testing personnel shall not engage in or participate in any part-time job or technical consulting activities that may hinder the fairness of testing;

6. 检测人员必须具备良好的职业道德和职业行为,不准接受与职务工作有关的礼品、请吃或馈赠,并不得进行一切有碍检测公正性的交往活动; testing personnel must have good professional ethics and professional behavior, not to accept job-related gifts, treats or gifts, and not to carry out any communication activities that may hinder the fairness of testing

7. 公司诚恳接受来自社会各方面的监督和投诉。 the company sincerely accepts the supervision and complaints from all aspects of the society

8. 投诉电话complaints(0755)-26503290





